Saturday, October 1, 2011

My Design: Sofortig(a) Shelter - part 3

          The second problem is to analyze the various ways the shelter can arrive at the desired site or village.  When doing this, four ways were analyzed (train, tractor trailer, cargo barge, and cargo airplane).  Using an average 100 car train, 400 shelters can be transported.  Using an average 53 foot long tractor trailer, 4 shelters can be transported.  An average Boeing 747 can carry 250,000 pounds of cargo.  With the 4,000 pound proposed shelter,  a cargo plane could carry 62 shelters.  An average cargo barge can carry 20,000 tones.  With the 4,000 pound proposed shelter, plus the weight of a shipping container, a cargo barge could carry 2,020 shelters.  Therefore, with the village’s close proximity to the Mississippi River, the most practical transportation method is a cargo barge. 
          Following MobARCH guidelines, the proposed shelter will arrive in six shelter packs.  In doing this, a shelter instruction manual would be incorporated into one of these packs.  The instruction manual will supply the individuals with the detailed diagrammatic information needed to assist them in taking a shelter from the “base connection” stage to full completion (A).  Due to the fact that nobody possesses the same physical and mental capabilities, the client(s) would provide service workers to assist in the shelter building process, if needed.  In addition, once a shelter is constructed, if not done by a service worker, the inhabitants would need to have the shelter inspected by the clients, to guarantee that the shelter was constructed properly.
1: Base Structure Connection

      A)  Place the base structure in place to create a 16’ x 28’ structure grid.
      B)  Add and connect the adjustable legs
      C)  Connect the individual base structure sections together creating one structure

2: Flooring Structure Connection
      A)   Place (2) 4’ x 8’ and (1) 2’ x 8’ sheets of plywood on each 8’ x 14’ section of base
      B)  Repeat this for all 4 sections
      C)  Place the vinyl separating inserts between all interior plywood joints
      D)  Secure the plywood flooring into the base structure

 3: Interior Wall Connection

     A)  Place the interior walls in their pre-assigned, pre-drilled locations
     B)  Secure the interior walls to the floor structure
     C)  Secure the interior walls together

 4: Exterior Wall Connection

      A)  Place the exterior walls in the pre-assigned locations
      B)  Slide the exterior wall’s pocket sleeves onto the metal rods on the base structure
      C)  Rotate the exterior walls into place
      D)  Connect all the exterior walls together using base plates and fasteners

 5: Ceiling Connections
     A)  Screw the wood nailers to the interior side of the exterior walls in the pre-drilled holes 7’-
             6” above the floor
      B)  Place (4) 8’ x 14’, 4” thick ceiling panels onto the wood nailers and interior walls
      C)  Secure the ceiling panels to the wood nailers
      D)  Secure the (4) ceiling panels together

 6: Roof Truss Connection
A)    Screw the 2 x 4 wood nailers to the interior side of the exterior wall in the pre-drilled
holes 3”above the top of the wall
      B)  Place the 2 x 4 floor trusses at 1’-0” on centers
      C)  Make sure the roof trusses are flush with the top of the walls.

7:  Roof Overhang Connection
A)  Slide the metal rods , which are attached to the exterior walls, into the pocket sleeves of    
       the overhang’s panels.
      B)  Secure the overhangs to the exterior walls.
      D)  Attach and secure the wood sun screen over the shelter’s entry door

 8: Roof Tapr Connection
      A)  Attach the roof tarp to the entry side of the shelter
      B)  Wrap the roof tarp across to the opposite side of the roof
      C)  Stretch the roof tarp and attach it to the other three sides of the shelter
      D)  At the corners of the shelters, fold the tarp over

 9:  Gutter and Downspout Connection
      A)  Screw or nail the gutter clamps into the 4” overhang
      B)  Place and secure the gutter to the gutter
      C)  Place and secure the downspout to the gutter

10: Wndow Trestment Connection
     A)  Determine which window treatments belong to each which exterior walls
     B)  Push the wood rods on the window treatments into the matching holes pre-drilled into the
            exterior walls     

 11: Deck Structure Connection
      A)  Match the grove of the deck with the ledge of the base structure
      B)  Secure the deck in place with bolts
      C)  Attach two adjustable legs to each corner of the deck
      D)  Attach the railings into the pre-drilled holes in the deck
      E)  Add either a step(s) or ADA ramp to the deck, if needed

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